školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

James Wyness

Resident Artist

James Wyness works with instrumental, environmental and electronic sound. Using field and studio recordings, hand-made acoustic and electronic instruments and found objects, he creates compositions, live performances, sound installations, work for fixed media and digital publications.
His work is currently directed towards a rigorous investigation of complexity and the materiality of sound. This includes an examination of the forms and spatial behaviours of sound in various natural and architectural listening environments.
James Wyness runs The Creative Applications of Sound, a monthly series of creative labs which combines indoor studio and listening sessions with field trips. He also collaborates regularly with artists of other disciplines on projects, often research-based, which explore aspects of art as social practice. James Wyness has a small record label, Reekin lum records. Releases for 2013 include three limited edition series cds of field recordings.
He is also involved in traditional music both as an accompanist and educator, working regularly with the new generation of young musicians from 'both sides the Tweed'.
James Wyness has a PhD in electroacoustic composition from the University of Aberdeen where he studied with Pete Stollery.


James Wyness


United Kingdom


sound art, electronic music, field recording