školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Darrell Jónsson

Darrell Jónsson as multi-instrumentalist and poet has worked with a variety of musical projects, including Ben Donatello’s Jazz Ensemble (Alaska), Bazik Organizim (Spain), Perpetual Entropy & Ron George (Los Angeles), Urban Space Epics (Northern California), Extraterrestris (CZ), and BBNU (CZ). His instruments of choice are Kalimbas, slide guitar, spanish guitar, lute, bull roarers, keyboards and Radio Shack Moog. Jónsson’s writings on music have been published in Canada, USA, Spain and the Czech Republic. He was a founding member of the California Outside Music Association whose membership also included Ron George, Horace Tapscott, PFS, Carl Stone, and Bonnie Barnett. Jónsson’s improvisational musical approach reflects intensive study into the native and immigrant folklore of N.America and N.Africa.

Darrell  Jónsson



