školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Pablo Sanz (SP) + Námestie republiky (SK)

sound art
free improvisation
Pá 15.1. - 19:30

Pablo Sanz is a Spanish-born artist, composer and field recordist currently based in the UK. His activities are engaged with the exploration of aesthetic and spatial aspects of sonic perception through site-specific projects, multichannel installations, immersive live performances, headphone-pieces and publications. He works primarily using environmental sound as raw material, extended listening technologies, architectural physical space and spatial audio strategies. Thresholds of perception and the interrelations between hearing, matter, time and space are essential in his creative practice.

His work is presented internationally in a variety of contexts and has been awarded in the competition ‘Europe – A Sound Panorama’ (2011, Goethe Institute, Deutschlandradio Kultur, ZKM-Karlsruhe) and the ‘5th On-Air Radiophonic Art Prize’ (2009, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid). He has been artist-in-residency at Inland-Campo Adentro (Catalonia), Matadero (Madrid), Nau Côclea (Girona), FDD (Lisbon), Sonoscopia (Porto), ARE Holland (Enschede), Q-O2 (Brussels) and Laboratory for Sonic Arts and Acoustics (São Paulo). Recent projects include a field recording trip to the Central Amazon region supported by Brazilian and British research organisations, site-specific architectural interventions in The Netherlands and Spain, radio commissions by Radio Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid, FON Air UK, Atelier de Création Sonore Radiophonique in Belgium and online releases on Very Quiet Records (UK) and Sonic Terrain (Colombia) among others.

Namestie republiky (SK)
Fero Király – piano, electronics
Michal Matejka – prepared guitar
Jozef Krupa – drums, objects

Fero Király – a piano player, accompanist, experimentalist, teacher and music editor of the ENTER magazine. He graduated at Conservatory in Košice and The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Fero took part in various music projects covering the spectrum of genres from folk music through punk, jazz-rock, psychadelic metal, experimental electronic production to improvised music. He is much devoted to electro-acoustic, mutlimedia composition and video art, incorporating new technologies into his concepts. A few of the significant works by Morton Feldman and Sofia Gubaidulina were premiered in Slovakia by himself. He performed at the festvial Convergences, New Music at Home, Evenings of New Music, Pohoda, NEXT, Melos – Étos, Ars Nova Cassoviae and Academic Presov. Some of his home ensembles are VENI ENSEMBLE, URBAN Hudak and TriKry.

Michal Matejka is respected, very flexible guitarist with wide range of musical activities. He teaches guitar to young students in Bratislava, is member of swing orchestra Fats Jazz Band, plays songs in band Ankramu, collaborates with composers like Miro Tóth or Dano Matej and is active as an improvisor in ensembles like Prague improvisation orchestra, Škvíry & Spoje and others.

Joseph Krupa studied drums at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music, Katowice. He cooperates or cooperated with groups Škvíry&Spoje, Spoje, Stroon, Ankramu, Námestie Republiky, DIY Instruments Ensemble, Musica falca et ficta, Szidi Tobias, Jakub Ursiny…

Vstupné: 80 Kč – Snížené: 60 Kč