Christof Migone: Mixer
A mix of recorded works presented performatively. The recordings explore repetitive gestures, sonic references, and somatic rhythms. Mixer is a list of verbs: translating, reading, singing, aging, spitting, breathing, sneezing, releasing, muting, counting, testing. Mixer activates space. Mixer performs outside of the concert hall, and as such is compact, contingent, and covert. Mixer thrives in the interstices. Mixer is nimble research.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Christof Migone is an artist, curator, and writer. His work and research delve into language, voice, bodies, performance, intimacy, complicity, and endurance. He co-edited the book and CD Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language (Errant Bodies Press) and his writings have been published in Aural Cultures, S:ON, Experimental Sound & Radio, Musicworks, Radio Rethink, Semiotext(e), Angelaki, Esse, Inter, and Performance Research, among others. He obtained an MFA from NSCAD in 1996 and a PhD from the Department of Performance Studies at New York University‘s Tisch School of the Arts in 2007. He has released nine solo audio CDs on various labels (Avatar, ND, Alien 8, Locust, and Oral). Migone currently lives in Toronto and is an assistant professor in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University in London, Ontario.
photo: Matthew Filipovich/The Medium
supported by Canada Council for the Arts