Inge Kosková: Drawings

ink, paper

Inge Kosková (born 1940 in Brno) is a painter and graphic artist who studied, between 1957 and 1961, at the Faculty of Natural Sciences - Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry and Pedagogy at the Department of Art Theory, and Education at the Palacký University in Olomouc. Since 1991, she has been a member of the Association of Olomouc Fine Artists and Theoreticians.

She has worked for many years as a teacher at various secondary and higher educational institutions. She is involved in drawing, painting and graphics (especially linocut). She occassionally illustrates books. Her domain has for many years been figurative work inspired by music, dance and classical motifs.

In the early 1980s, she radically changed her way of artistic expression and concentrated solely on pen drawing and ink. Characteristic for her work from this time period is the relationship between the dotted and empty surfaces, the contrast between black and white. The drawing line or lines is the bearer of a rhythm that can only be seen on the surrounding white surface. Time records are created - clean and streamlined.