Peter van der Ent: The Bowl

site-specific installation
Plasy Monastery 1992

"The convent is pregnant with a concentration of spiritual energy. It was my task to locate these forces and give them form. The space that I had chosen is dark, underground. I enter the half-dark layers of my consciousness and the memory of the convent. There is no sound. The image that forces itself upon me is a bowl. An image of receptiveness. The hollow, oval form lays in the floor. It is talking with the curved lines in the architecture of the room. The two dark corridors continuously feed the place with new obscure material. They ask questions about the past and future."

Peter van der Ent, 1992

Peter van der Ent is a Dutch sculptor and visual artist who graduated from the Rietveld akademie in Amsterdam, department of Herman Makking. He probably lives in Oslo. 

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