Jan Steklík (1938 - 2017) studied at a textile technical school but never made it till graduation. During his studies started to make art. In 1963 together with Karel Nepraš founded the Crusaders’ School of Pure Humor without Joke. Since 1960s his works were exhibited at various social events or at group exhibitions. In 1970 he created land art piece “Airport for the Clouds”. In the 1970s he was expelled from the Association of Visual Artists. He had three solo exhibitions in Czechoslovakia: in 1970 in the Regional Gallery in Liberec, in 1977 in Minigallery VÚVeL in Brno and in 1978 in the local cultural house in Blansko. As part of common exhibitions his works were on display in Sydney, Canada, Florence, Buenos Aires, Wroclaw or Tokyo. After 1989 he had several exhibitions in Prague, Zlín, Brno, Ústí nad Orlicí and Vysoké Mýto. Most of his presence was in connection with Nepraš or the Crusader School. He worked and lived in Ústí nad Orlicí and Brno.