The Peerless Cooperative of the Holy Nurture


JSD was founded the night of January 12, 2001 for the purpose of nurturing and supporting by all means the Reason and the Cause – Mr. Miláček – the Young Holy, the Greatest Artist and the Biggest Love, and for the nurturing and development of holiness in general.


To secure the proper operation of JSD there has been gradually and naturally created an extensive and ever-growing bureaucratic apparatus with a strong hierarchy based on numerous executive sections, departments and committees.

The life of the JSD Cooperative is peerless.

Though peerless, it follows two aims:

1) The prosperity and happiness of Mr. Miláček – the Young Holy
2) Personal holiness in all forms, according to God’s wish: “Be holy, for I am holy!”

These two aims are followed by means of three paths:

I. Public
II. Private
III. through the Cooperative.

On these three paths, four methods are used:

a) Cult
b) Preaching
c) Artistic
d) Working

Through a combination of all these methods on all the paths, twelve categories of activities of the JSD have emerged, for which Mr. Miláček, the Young Holy, has established an original graphic symbology.

Outline of the JSD activities for the benefit and glorification of Mr. Miláček – the Young Holy

Cult Methods: Annual celebration of the embodiment of Mr. Miláček.

The Full Ceremony of devotion to the Young Holy.

Ceremony of telepathic connection with the Young Holy.

Offering votive gifts and fire sacrifices to the Young Holy.

Honoring the Young Holy through the Great glorifying rogation.

Fæcotistic ceremonies for worshipping the anus of the Young Holy.

Preaching Methods: Preaching the thoughts, words and deeds of Mr. Miláček through the words as well as images.

Organizing enlightening seminars and festivals.

Enrollment of new collaborators, confidantes and members of JSD.

Artistic methods: Reproduction and distribution of the vestiges of visual activities of Mr. Miláček – the Greatest Artist and the Young Holy

Building and decorating the chapels and temples of the Young Holy

Working Methods: Participation in the feasts and belly worshipping ceremonies of Mr. Miláček. Providing material supplies to the Young Holy.

Catering to the intellectual and physical needs and appetites of Mr. Milacek.

Protection of the Young Holy from the world and the world from him.

Examination and stewardship over Hyga, CONT-YNER-CLUB, Saint Art Terror, Ultra Ethereal Light and other private religions of Mr. Miláček.

Establishment and directorate of KUKL-KULT-KLANU, Milhaus-Plast and other seemingly independent organizations.

Outline of the JSD activities for the progress of personal and general holiness:

Cultish Methods: Celebration of the Great as well as small Pudja. Celebration of the Day of St. Speeta – the Virgin Martyr and other days according to the JSD calendar. Annual bringing of the relics of Lord Lorence – self-murdered, and other festive processions and parades. Annual jubilee of the Day of the Struggle for Women through the Passion of Lord Kobra – a Permanent Half – martyr of JSD. Purification of planetary holes and other hygistic rituals.

Sanctification and blessing of all kinds.

Expanding the cult of Ystryol Kylous – the intergalactic missionary.

Preaching Methods: Investigation, promotion and support of St. Old Hags and other religious fanatics

Artistic methods: Building and decoration of chapels and shrines of various initiation

Working Methods: Annual Easter regale

Building and operation of Universální Psychiatrický Chrám 316a (Universal Psychiatric Church – UPSYCH)

Annual traditional killing of a water game and constitution of other new martyrs.
Simony and production of new relics

Establishment of the paxitic knight order of blessed Charles Habsburg (Varices with a golden vein)

Cooperation with the Prague commandite of ŠŠ Units (Jednotky Špružení Šmelcu), General Staff of the Geist, and others