Alex Švamberk - Tonton Macoutes

Všeckomožný - Martin Zet, 1995




Martin Zet


Hermit Foundation


Klášter Plasy

Alex Švamberk (1961) is Czech musician, performer, improviser, producer, music journalist and photographer.
Born September 3, 1961 in Vsetín (former Czechoslovakia). Leader of Tonton Macoutes ensamble and a member of impro jazz collectives as Paraneuro and Neuro together with Miroslav Posejpal, Jarm Sermila and Emil Viklický. Member of industriál group Suicidal Meditations (with Jarda Palát), later S/M, and TomAlex. Solo performance as X61. Using sampling, elektronic and steel percussions. Author of radio documents a radioartových kompositions (Akce K, Apollo? Apollo, Ukrajina války, Trainstory, Projekt L). Beside music is Alex engaged as butó dancer and performer and he published several books about the history of punk movement and war conflicts in Korea.

V Plasech vystoupil s Tonton Macoutes na otevření výstavy Všechnomožný Martina Zeta v roce 1995.