školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery


Multiplace08 festival

Image - sound - movement - interaction
A multimedia network installation for Školská 28

Creators: Michail Cabowitz, Lasonick, Michal Kindernay, Martin Blažíček, Kryštof Pešek, Whitelabel.name.

The installation mtps28 is a collaborative activity of a group of artists working in multimedia. It starts as an open call: a group of artists are invited to a gallery in a creative audiovisual environment in which each, through images, sound, or communication with others, helps to bring a collective site-specific work into being.

April 29, 4 to 9 PM - public presentation
+ live webstream in format THEORA mtps28.
The creative workshop continutes from April 26 - 29 in the gallery.

Support: Asociace Mlok, Galerie Školská 28 a MTP
Contact: Martin Blažíček, martin@blazicek.net, +420 776123359
Web: skolska28.cz, mutiplace.sk, mlok-org.net