školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery

Pavel Matela

Reunion of Strangers
Wed 8.4. - 20:00

"Reunion of strangers" is the set of photographic group portraits. But depicted persons probably dont know each other, and probably never met. The photographer observed and captured in a course of several hours people walking on the street. Each of the portraits is a snapshot captured in same day, on same place and from the same point of view. The photographs are in digital process later manipulated and each singular portrait is re-composed into a group portrait, which is suggesting the viewer the fictive mutual relations of the people. Such virtually constructed assamblance of people, who crossed same place in different time is perhaps humorous, but includes as well the aspect of psychological, philosophical, sociological and anthropological research. Consequences of this artistic statement are questioning the issues of authenticity and identity of photography.
Vlasta Čihákova-Noshiro

The exhibiton "Reaunion of Strangers" in Gallery Školská 28 is challenging the concept of authencity of technical images and of justification of understanding of photography as the capture of slices of reality. The series is as well extended by the videoprojection and by interactive photo-installation. By means of this visitors can take a role of active player in the new in-situ photographical mystification.

Opening speech Pavel Baňka, musical impromptu: Jan Karko (Swayambu)

About the Artist 


pavel matel
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - skupinový portrét (1)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - vernisáž (1)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - vernisáž (2)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - vernisáž (3)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - vernisáž (4)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - instalace (1)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - instalace (2)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - instalace (3)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - skupinový portrét (2)
Pavel Matela - Znovushledání cizích - skupinový portrét (3)