školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Concert Screening


Site specific audiovisual performance for Školská 28
Mon 9.2. - 20:00

(Budapest, Hungary) - SPEV audiovisual performance for školska 28
7.pm 9.2.2009

curated by Lívia Roszas

The BA group is formed by six of the students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts to create sound art, sound installations and performances.

According to our idea, during the performances we are transforming the space and modifing its visuality to make a living unit with the music. In this way we create a living site-specific sound-installation, an experimental performance, an organic environment, which is improvisative for the music, and which shows permanently new side for the visitor.
The definition of our music is electro- acoustic. The basic sections are the experimental electronics and the fieldrecordings, sometimes we mix, sometimes we completely separate those.

However the members of our group are coming from different fields of art, but the goal is the
same, and this is always transform a space where the sound and the sound-generated site live together.

Lately our aim is to explore the similar kind of arts, these kinds of fields and to integrate them into the public awareness with organizing programs, lectures and to fulfill curator tasks. Also, after finishing our studies we would like to look for opportunities to co-operate with other artists, musician, groups.


The SPEV / performance of our BA experimental music group aim is to make the sound site- specific, to transform the space according to the music. The members of the group will playing a couple of live set in different spots, which sound will be audible in the whole gallery. Our performance build up by improvisative, self-reflective musical communication and interaction, which changing in time and space during the progress. The continuous change of the place of the performance will keep moving the visitor as well to discover different musical experiments within the wall of the gallery

Blazsek András - guitar, laptop, fieldrecordings
Kiss Máté - guitar, laptop
Kovács Imrich - percussion
Nagy Gergő - synth, laptop, samples
Pethő Zoltán - laptop, visual
Zérczi Attila - visual, documentation


Untitled 1, Epreskert, MKE, Budapest Untitled 2, Epreskert, MKE, Budapest
Open Lady, Labor gallery, Budapest Untitled 3, At Home gallery, Somorja, Slovakia End of the coincidental meetings, Barcsay-hall, MKE, Budapest

Supported by the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Prague.