školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

No Sugar

Liz Allbee and George Cremaschi, concert
Wed 27.5. - 21:00

No Sugar – post-postmodern folk music

The music of NO SUGAR meets at the crossroads of the duo’s diverse background: trumpet, analog electronics and contrabass creating intimate post-everything structures built with pieces of free improv, classic electronic music, folk song, and noise. Compact improvisations that reveal their other lives as compositions, narratives in a foreign language familiar to all.

NO SUGAR has been playing together for many years, in various guises: Vinnie ’n’ Minnie, Jon Raskin Quartet, Neo-Realist, Moekestra!, sfSound, and Monday Night Abuse among many others, as well as touring with Butoh dancer Ryuzo Fukuhara. NO SUGAR has performed in Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, and USA. They used to be neighbors, and could hear each other playing through open windows. Now they need airplanes to see each other.

LIZ ALLBEE is a voracious musician whose work spans many genres, encompassing new music, improvisation, electronic composition, Asian folk and pop, noise, minimalist, free jazz and experimental rock. She has played with a wide array of musicians, including Anthony Braxton, Leo Smith, Cecil Taylor, Rova, Hans Grusel, Birgit Uhler, Gino Robair, Yugen Japanese Noh Theater, SFSound, and with members of Caroliner and the Sun City Girls. She lives in Oakland, CA.

GEORGE CREMASCHI was born in New York City, and studied music and composition there. He has played with, and written for, dancers, rock bands, installation artists, improvisers, poets, film, theater groups, orchestras, and pop divas. Greg Goodman, Matthew Ostrowski, Andrea Parkins, Burkhard Stangl, Mats Gustafsson, Nicolas Collins, Evan Parker, Trinh T. Minh-Ha, Kai Fagaschinski, and L? Quan Ninh are some of his favorite people to work with. He has appeared on over 30 recordings on the Apestaartje, Evolving Ear, Black Saint, Leo, Beak Doctor, Emanem, Rastascan, Music & Arts, Nine Winds and 482 Music labels. He currently lives in Tábor, Czech Republic, where he is a curator and administrator at CESTA, an international arts residency center.

Liz Albee


George Cremaschi
Liz Albee