školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery

Equal chances II.

Martin Zet and Milan Guštar
Thu 3.12. - 19:00

Combinatory installation about mixing of colors and aleatoric sounds.

Site-specific experiment is an encounter of two distinct artists of the actual contemporary Czech audiovisual art. Martin Zet adapted for the Galery Školská 28 his recent project about mixing of colours "Equal Chances I." (2008). Milan Guštar presents examples of his scores, or visualisation of stochastic and combinatoric systems and computer generated music compositions.

Zet's inqiery with colors reminds the paintings of artists from the americian "school of colours fields" from the 60ies of last century as Gene Davis, or Barnett Newman. Exact algorithmic method, applied by the artist for the project, refers to the scientific visualisation modeling the transfer of genetic code from one generation to the next one. Red, blue and yellow are considered as extreme antagonist colors, both physically, physiologically and culturally. Each color is connected to some anthropological values.

The work of Milan Guštar is in certain sense complementary to the playful visual tractate of Martin Zet. He integrates tools of combinatory analysis and numerical systems into the sensoric context of sound and image, to achieve distraction of perception of linear space and time.

prepared in collaboration with the Museum of Mining in Mayau Vinařice

_Equal Chances II_1_installation

About the Artists 


Rovnost šancí II_2_vernisáž
Rovnost šancí II_1_vernisáž_Martin Guštar uprostřed
_Rovnost šancí II_3_instalace
Rovnost šancí
barevný kotouč
Bezold FarbenTafel
Kruh barev
Martin Zet
_Rovnost šancí II_5_instalace
_Rovnost šancí II_6_instalace
Rovnost šancí II_3_vernisáž
Rovnost šancí II_5_vernisáž_Martin Zet