školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery Grey Room

Wired Radio

Michael Delia
Mon 22.3. - 19:00

Rozhlas po dráte (dráťák) was a system of diffusing radio broadcast using cable wiring instead of radio transmission. The signal was distributed from a central amplifier by cable.In flats, but most of all in offices and workshops, the wiring ended in plugs where the individual wire radio stations were to be plugged in.

The installation is mimicing this system by transferring sound along a wire (piano wire) from a piezzo transducer/speaker connected to original wire radio stations(speakers) Delia has collected in Prague. The sound source derived from radio and field recordings will change during the installation and he invites those interested to contribute sound pieces to be played through the system during the duration of the exhibition.

Michael Delia (USA) is an artist whose work spans a wide range of disciplines and media. His work has encompassed paintings, sculpture, installations, and sound art as well as music performances. Central to his visceral work is an irrefutable yet delicate sense of beauty combined with a lingering sense of histories past. Both Delia's paintings and self-made instruments seemingly transcend time and space, often touching on the ephemeral. His musical instruments and installations are interesting not only from the acoustic but also from visual point of view. Inspired by the musical heritage of various ethnical and cultural provenances, contemporary bricoleur Delia constructs his instruments and acoustic objects from found and banal materials. Doing this, he combines the verified achievements of inventive organologies with the rational musical systems of 20th century. Delia's music is crystally microtonal, meditative, but can be also dramatically majestic.

Michael Delia has presented his art at various American and European venues, including Experimental Intermedia, The Knitting Factory and Exit Art in New York, Stighting Logos in Gent, Het Apollohuis in Eindhoven, Hermit in Plasy, Sound Off and The Rosenberg Museum in Slovakia, Rudolfinum in Prague, Sklenìná Louka in Brno, Kép-Ze-Let in Tatabánya and Mamu Galerie in Budapest.

As part of the installation an online performance is organized in the framework of "World TB Day". On March 24th is annually an cooperative event "World TB Day". This year, the Topolò OGS has decided to organize ToBeContinued, a one-day relay of sounds, starting from Topolò, touching several countries around the world and then "back" to Topolò after 24 hours. We are kindly asking you to participate with your sounds, field recordings, or any audio material you think is in line with the aims of the OGS. Live performances or pre-recorded materials are welcome, and the mean duration should be around 30 minutes for each intervention. Every contribution is intended to be streamed live, one after the other continuously for 24 hours, and broadcasted via web from Topolò.

For the duration of the event, the headquarters of the Topolò OGS will be hosted at Teatro Miela in Trieste, where local artists along with international guests will perform live for the opening and closing of ToBeContinued. Moreno Miorelli and Antonio Della Marina will coordinate the schedule and take care of the sequence of contributions.

tesla 2

About the Artist 


Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_1 (foto: J.Bartoš)
Michael Delia
tesla 1
Michael Delia
Michael Delia: Podráty_vernisáž_1
Michael Delia: Podráty_vernisáž_2
Michael Delia: Podráty_vernisáž_3
Michael Delia: Podráty_vernisáž_4
Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_2 (foto: J.Bartoš)
Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_3 (foto: J.Bartoš)
Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_4 (foto: J.Bartoš)
Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_5 (foto: J.Bartoš)
Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_6 (foto: J.Bartoš)
Michael Delia, Podráty, instalace_7 (foto: J.Bartoš)