školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery

Double duel, part I.

Skalík and Steklík
Mon 26.4. - 20:00

The exhibition, curated by Martin Klimeš from Opava cultural initiative Bludný kámen is a creative encounter of two artists, sharing some artistic statements and creative attitudes, even they are divided by different generation contexts and experience. They are presenting their opening event of the ongoing project entitled "Double Duel". They agreed to set some rules and the choice of material to be used. For Tomáš Skalík and Jan Steklík is this installation the starting point of their planned future activities.

During the vernisage was initiated a game, resulting in an installation, developing in the course of the exhibition. At the starting point both artist, equipped with 50 meter of rope and 100 kitchen hangers, started to set up the score on the walls of the gallery space. The visitors could start to stretch two pieces of rope and drawing the lines from both sides of the space. More rope and hangers are prepared on the floor and new visitors can continue and change the structure of the drawing during the time of the exhibition. The Double Duel is a manual for the playful participation.

Jan Steklík was born in 1938 and he is one of the established personalities of the Czech visual art.

Tomáš Skalík was born in 1978.

installation Jan Steklík, photo: Jan Bartoš

About the Artist 


Double Duel
Tomáš Skalík
Tomáš Skalík
Jan Steklík, kresba
Jan Steklík a Karel Nepraš
zavěšené sloupky
háčky, foto: Jan Bartoš
Jan Steklík, foto: Jan Bartoš
Tomáš Skalík, foto: Jan Bartoš
Jan Steklík, foto: Jan Bartoš
instalace Tomáš Skalík, foto: Jan Bartoš