školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery

Olga Karlíková: Swifts,Frogs and Skylarks

Drawings, Prints and Field recordings
Mon 5.7. - 20:00

The exhibition is open from 7. July till 6. August.
opening 5. June 6 pm

Introduction speech by Václav Cílek, 7.30 pm recital of poet and musician Oldřich Janota

The exhibition presents an important part of the work of the influential Czech visual artist Olga Karlíkova (1923 - 2004), focusing on her long life and persistent scrutiny of the relationships between a subjective experience of the landscape, graphical sign, the search of the general patterns and deeper understanding of the reality. The exhibition contains selection from several sets of drawings, silkscreens and tactile drawings and is accompanied by the audio collage composed from the collection of field recordings, which Karlíková recorded and played as a study material in her atelier in the country and Prague.

It is just a fragment from the entire ouvre of hundreds of seemingly abstract drawings in her estate. Drawings which resemble handwritten notations, graphical scores which correspond with the natural processes of the landscape, the immediate movement of the hand and the appreciation of the eye in synergy with auditive phenomena. The drawings reflects the endless variety of rhythmical movements of animals, voices of birds, aleatorical geometry of swarms of flies or the elegy of whale songs.

Part of the exhibition is a short video documentary of Janka Vidová, following Olga Karlíková in early 90's in her summer house in North Bohemia

The exhibition is realized with the kind support of Mrs.Olga Jařábková, the daughter of Olga Karlíková, and in close collaboration with Mr. Jan Rous - curator of the parallel exhibition "Olga Karlíková - Prostor pro světlo a řeč přírody" in Topič salon Gallery.

Special thanks to Václav Cílek

The exhibition project of Školská 28 Gallery is realized by DEAI/setkání and supported by grant of Municipal of Prague and Ministry of Culture ČR