školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Ulay: Earth Water Catalogue

lecture at FAMU, room U1, first floor
Tue 12.4. - 19:30

Lecture and presentation of DVD at FAMU


Earth Water Catalogue is a compilation of an extensive body of water and water-related works, be it past, present or future, across a variety of media by artists from around the water planet.

Earth Water Catalogue is a growing archive, database, library and platform, be it on-line or in print, available from the very outset to any user or reader; artist, scientist, engineer, civil servant, scholar, student, or simply any water consumer.

Earth Water Catalogue is an artistic initiative to raise awareness, enhance understanding and appreciation of, and respect for water - in people of plenty, and for those in need - by addressing the ethics through aesthetics of this fundamental planetary asset.

Earth Water Catalogue is a stimulus to the artistic and scientific communities to set up exhibitions of and provide publications on works from the catalogue, making an impact on the general public, by also playing a key role in education.

Earth Water Catalogue is an appeal to stop appealing but rather to spur reflection on and stir imagination about water, to redefine its nature and value.

Earth Water Catalogue is, ultimately, about water - the basis of life. Water covers some 70 per cent of the planet surface, and composes about 70 per cent of the human body. Yet only 1 per cent of the planet’s water is drinking water. Water dissolves but cannot be dissolved. It can be a purifier, and a fuel. It is used in households, agriculture, and industry. Civilization and much more depends on it. Water has intelligence, and a memory. Water is more than H2O.

Initiated and edited by Uwe Laysiepen - Ulay, Earth Water Catalogue is his magnum opus.

Water does not forget. Work for water to have water work. For the love of water.

‘Water’ refers to all sweet- or freshwater on Earth. Natural water resources, tap and non-potable water. Atmospheric water, clouds, rain, snow. Surface water, including glaciers, icebergs, the Northern and Southern ice caps. Subterranean water, lakes, streams, ground or fossil water. All but salt water.

Due to maximum copyright protection on-line access is limited to participating artists only in order to prevent interference with or manipulation of submitted artists works.

The visit of Uwe Laysiepen is supported by Goethe Institut Prag

Water Catalogue Palestina, Nablus, Ulay

About the Artist 


Water Catalogue Palestina