školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Strotter Inst. + Phaerentz + Bagdasarov

A Triple Turntable Evening
Thu 6.9. - 22:00

An opening event of the autumn season with three turntablists.

Strotter Inst. is an artist identity of Christoph Hess, a Swiss turntablist, architect and visual artist. Hess approaches turntables like ordinary music instruments rather than players. His old Swiss Lenco turntables are prepared with rubber bands and other objects of daily use a turned into an unique music boxes that generate impressive, minimalistic, mainly bass ostinatos.

Phaerentz (Petr Ferenc) is a turntablist who also plays various other players and electronic devices. He is best known as a member of Birds Build Nests Underground, radio Royal and one half of a duo with Martin Janíček. His music is based on elements of chance operations, improvising, sound-collage, work with audio readymades and recycling.

George Bagdasarov started music carrier as guitarist in psychedelic punk band, developed through conceptual techno to free improvisation based on the stuff collected on flea markets all around the world. Played and recorded in different collaboration with jazz, noise, electronic, etc musician Richard Deutsch, Jerome Noetinger, Yoshio Mashida, Les Halmes, Dill, Yutaka Makino, DJ Sniff, Nikolay Rubanov, Fitz Ellarald etc...

Entry Fee: 80 Kč – Reduced: 60 Kč