školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Sound Lines/Drawing Scores

a workshop by John and Evelyn Grzinich

During this 5 day workshop will be explored a series of combinations and intersections between visual art, performace and music by means of drawing, gesture and sonic representation. We will begin by working with the components of sound and drawing separately, then slowly integrate both together into a single process. The central aspect of our explorations of both sound and drawing revolves around gesture, that is, how we position and move the body as an instrument for improvisation.

The sound component will include a variety of topics such as sound-object-space interactions, game play and group improvisation. Also we will look at how recording technology can be used to collect audio material as a source for compositions and playback.

The drawing component will include topics on representational and non-representational image making, marking, scoring through game play and group improvisation. We will also analyze the body as an instrument and how gesture can be manifested in both image and sound.

No experience in working with drawing or sound is necessary. Artists and researchers working in all media are encouraged to participate. Bring a sound recording device if you have one. Pencils and paper will be provided

The workshops will start approximately at 2.pm and finish 6.p.m.


Day 1:personal introductions, introduction of basic concepts, group discussions on basic keywords; sound, drawing, gesture, space, improvisation, score, collaboration etc., warm up exercises.

Day 2:warm up exercises, sound and space interactions, group improvisations, drawing and gesture, leaving marks, feedback discussion.

Day 3:warm up exercises, sound as drawing-drawing as sound, solo work, group work, scoring and concept development.

Day 4: warm up exercises, recording drawing-drawing recordings, solo work, group work, scoring and concept development continued... group discussion.

Day 5: working production time, final presentation (envisioned either as a live performance or installation composed of material produced during the workshop.

Participation is limited to 8 people

the workshop is fully booked

SOUND EXCHANGE is a project by DOCK e.V. Berlin and Goethe Institut funded by the German Cultural Foundation Produced in cooperation with Goethe Institut Prag, Babel Festival, Archa Theatre, Komunikační prostor Školská 28 and Asociace MLOK.

About the workshop leaders:

John Grzinich has been conducting his own forms of sound research for over 15 years, including field recording, kinetic sculptures, electro-acoustic composition, performance, group workshops and exercises in listening. Currently he lives in Estonia and works as a program and media lab coordinator for MoKS, a non-profit artist-run center. He has published CDs of his sound works on international labels such as: SIRR, Cloudmirror, Staalplaat, Erewhon, Intransitive, Cut, Elevator Bath, CMR, Orogenetics, Pale Disc and others.

Evelyn Grzinich (aka eku) is a mixed media artist and cultural coordinator, based in Southeast Estonia. Since 2001 she has worked as an artist-organizer, coordinating activities for MoKS- Center for Arts and Social practice, a non-profit residency center and project space. This ongoing life-university has offered me opportunity to learn from artists from all over the world and develop fruitful collaborations in various media. Her recent interest and ongoing work with drawing explores how the repetitive motion of a pen/pencil affects the body and its movement. This surface-body-surface feedback is a generative method to play with shifts from abstraction to figural imagery.

participation of the workshop is free

locations: Monday October 1st: Gallery Školska 28 - ˇŠkolská 28, Praha 1
tuesday till friday: Divus
Bubenská 1477/1
170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice,

Inquiry and sign up for the workshop:

Please send short motivation letter and your contact to the email adress:


the Workshop is realized in the framework of the international project Soundexange

and Babel Prague Festival