školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

As deafness increases (NOR) + The Pololáníks (CZ)

free improvisation
Thu 6.12. - 20:30

As deafness increases are:
INGA MARGRETE AAS - double bass
RUDOLF TERLAND BJØRNEREM - electro-acoustic guitar

As deafness increases plays music in the gray area between composition and improvisation. Clear structural frameworks realized through flexible instrumental roles and improvised solutions regarding content and timbre. Slow haunting soundscapes alternated by rapid movements and semi-melodic passages.

The members of the trio met in the Czech republic summer 2010 as a part of the “Önczkekvist improvising orchestra”, and recorded a cd with the orchestra at ORF RadioKultuhaus in Vienna. Educated from the music academy’s in Oslo, Gothenburg and Berlin, Inga Henrik and Rudolf has studied contemporary classical- and improvised music.

“A high-pitched, almost syllabic music approached and receded in the shifting of the wind, dimmed by leaves and distance.”

The Pololáníks came into being in 2011 as a five-member fragment of Marináda dekorativních aspektů, a chaotic mammoth of a happening-oriented improv band. The quintet aims for a more thorough and focused exploration of musical space in which their different musical backgrounds might intersect. Utilising double bass, recorders, trombone, laptop and clarinet/sax/guitar as the main line-up, the band also makes prominent use of found objects and self-made instruments,
resulting in a full, but mostly restrained sound.

Entry Fee: 80 Kč – Reduced: 60 Kč