školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Pavla Sceranková - author’s video-projection

Thu 12.12. - 19:30

In terms of another author's evening, this time we invited Pavla Sceranková. The artist works with sculptural forms and she experiments very free with different materials, which conceives to model situations or complex installations. An important aspect is the participation rate. Actions or manipulations in / with some objects are prerequisite for its reanimation and for context of situation. The author thus defines its own concept of space and its perception. In her works she explores the dimensions of visual experience and especially memory, particularly in momentary relation of the current situation and context.

An integral part of the artist's portfolio are videos, either in the form of documentation of performances or the objects themselves, which gain another dimension. During the evening, projects will be presented retrospectively, including recent works.

Pavla Sceranková studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Since 2000 she lives and works in the Czech Republic, currently at the Department of Fine Arts and Textile Design in Hradec Králové.

Pavla Sceranková 4


Pavla Sceranková 1
Pavla Sceranková 2
Pavla Sceranková 3
Pavla Sceranková 6
Pavla Sceranková 7
Pavla Sceranková 8