školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.


Expert Advisor: Josef Moucha
Mon 10.2. - 19:00

Monday 10 February 6pm. Opening of the exhibition of photographs with the creators present, introduced by Josef Moucha at Školská 28 Gallery.

The audio-visual installation “Grandpa’, taking place concurrently at Školská 28 Communication Space and E Gallery, reminds us of the gap between generations. Adam Podhola (1987), one of the organisers of the project, built a closer relationship with his grandfather, Ján Hrubý (1929), through albums of photographs dating back to the 1950s and 1960s. Apart from the photographer’s grandson, the project team includes Kateřina Frejlachová (1986) and David Hájek (1986), two other graduates of different universities. The medium of photography is imbued with qualities that embrace form as much as content. Initially, the exhibition was planned as a hanging exhibit, because color photography, early on, was outside the realm common family photography. However, the story of an encounter between two generations, with the medium taking on a social rola, has been given priority in the exhibition at Školská 28 Communication Space. In Hrubý’s photographs, it is not the esthetic of a photographic auteur aiming at gallery presentation that is in the fore. These works were essentially intended to record private experience. However, in being transferred to the present context, they take on the echoes of individual memories with a trans-individual character.
The projection of 235 shots (selected from among more than 400) is supplemented with a sound installation of audio recordings and a catalogue reproducing the creator’s words, together with the images. In this way, the project also brings into focus the relation between a picture and the personal testimony about it. The publication is introduced by Josef Moucha. In addition, 15 enlargements are installed at E Gallery at the Elpida Seniors Centre.

Slide projection and sound installation - Školská 28 Gallery
Photographs - E Gallery

Photographs by: Ján Hrubý
Project by: Adam Podhola / David Hájek / Kateřina Frejlachová
Specialist adviser: Josef Moucha
Technical adviser: Stanislav Abrahám, Michal Kindernay, Jan Bartoš

Accompanying programme:

Thursday 20 February 3pm. Let’s Bake Bread - The Dough of our Grandmothers. Galerie Školská 28.
Saturday 22 February. Intergenerational Photo Marathon. Centrum Elpida and Galerie Školská 28.
Thursday 27 February 6pm. Screening and listening to family images and recordings, browsing through family photo albums. Galerie Školská 28.
Wednesay 12 March 3pm. Managing and archiving photographs. A seminar on digital photography for seniors. Cenrum Elpida.

Cooperating organisations: Galerie Školská 28, Elpida, o.p.s.
Support: The Municipal Authority of the Capital City of Prague, The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, The Youth in Action Programme of the EU

Školská 28 Communication Space
Školská 28, Prague 1
Tel: 296 325 066
open: Wednesday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m., Tuesday 1 - 7 p.m.

E Gallery - Centrum Elpida
Na strži 40 , Prague 4
open: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. -5 p.m.
