školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Performance Presentation Screening Main Gallery

Quiet Fields on the Way from Work

listening environment
Mon 13.1. - 19:00

It has not been so long
since, everyday, (three tones, five in a row, plus two, minus two ... don´t be so precise)
on the way from work,
I longed to stop in the evenings outside the city amid the quiet fields, and listen to the music
that is played. ( pause - breath )

The sound environment for headphones „Quiet Fields on the Way from Work“ is conceived and organized in collaboration with the musician Ivan Palacký. It follows upon the recent listening festival „Betweentheears“ and finds its way from sound landscape expeditions into some less examined contemporary fields.

Contextually, the installation presents listeners with samples of works by several Czech and foreign authors and personalities, or (thematic) activities, drawing mainly from the genre of natural sounds and field recordings. This listening exhibition is accompanied by compositions, video projections and improvised seances.

Using the broadest possible array of compositional approaches and sonically intense forms up to the edge of silence (recordings of empty spaces), it returns to more occupied parts of the sound spectrum.

Accompanying events will be streamed at: skolska28.cz/stream

A series of individual listening is compiled following to the length of the line next to the individual authors names, as shown below:

Ubý a přibý

1 ________________________ Tomáš Procházka a Handa Gote 13. 01.

2 ___________________ Alfredo Costa Monteiro 14. 01.

3 ____________ Dimitra Lazaridou Chatzigoga 15. 01.

4 _____ Lucie Vítková 16. 01.

5 _ Jez Riley French 17. 01.

6 _ Noid 21. 01.

7 _____ Peter Graham 22. 01.

8 _____________ Andrea Neumann 23. 01.

9 ____________________ Ferran Fages 24. 01.

10 ________________________ Z pražských drah a nádraží 28. 01.
(Slávek Kwi, Peter Cusack, Michal Kindernay
Miloš Vojtěchovský, Udo Noll)

Opening: Field recording, magnetic field recording, no input video a found-footage.
Tomáš Procházka a Handa Gote

Accompanying program:
15. 01. v 19:00 - commented film videoprojection
(Phil Niblock, John Grzinich a Lucien Castaing-Taylor)
16. 01. v 19:30 - concert - Lucie Vítková
23. 01. v 19:30 - concert - Angélica Castelló & Dafne Vicente-Sandoval
Ivan Palacký & Petr Vrba

29. 01. v 19:30 Ajznbon (fragments from the dreamlog of black passanger)

Radiological sonification of the timetables of the Prague railway transport system: numerological murmuring, symphony of crooping breaks, ghosts of the railway stations and tunels at Libeň, Bráník, Bubny, Bubeneč, Vysočany, Strašnice, Veleslavín, Vršovice, Dejvice, Smíchov.

Field recordings: Slávek Kwi, Peter Cusack, Michal Kindernay, Udo Noll, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Jaroslav Kořán and more

reading: Ondřej Vavrečka and more.

sound space, video projection

only performance in Central Europe listen to ! live stream

CD Ajznbon

Quiet fields on the way from work.

It has not been so long
since, everyday, (three tones, five in a row, plus two, minus two ... don´t be so precise)
on the way from work,
I longed to stop in the evenings outside the city amid the quiet fields, and listen to the music
that is played. ( pause - breath )
I wanted to record it on a pocket digital recorder
and the next day, to re-listen to it on the same spot through headphones,
(sound of conector > mini-jack)
hearing, at the same time, the music of „today“. ( pause > breath)
Maybe, you would say, it is not music,
but I wanted to record it anyway
and play it in the middle of that, (you will see, while listeners will notice it )
which was already just playing. ( pause - breath)
Then, after ten days, and a lot of white noise,
it becomes clear. ( ) ( ) ( )
Enough noise in white mist (in which you so much like to appear and again hide)
on the way from work.
(a long tone, ending with fingerpicking, a little bit country, a bit of eternity)
It never happened.
I used to be
too worn out
to go out from the city on the fifty-two
on my way from work.
But now you have the chance, (tlik, tlik, tlik, tlak)
drop by the gallery (Školská 28, Praha)
during ten days
in January,
on your way from work
to hear those quiet fields
or the corresponding music
that I have chosen.
Empty at first,
then gradually spreading in layers of repeated playing,
while keeping its natural - bio/eco/sustainable - state.
Raw, that is.

Ivan Palacký, Tučkova, Brno, 1.1. 2014

Translation : Lloyd Dunn, Hearn Gandbois, George Boerringer, Veronika Resslová

Media partner: Kulturní čtrnáctideník A2, His Voice

Tomáš Procházka, Handa Gote, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Dimitra Lazaridou Chatzigoga, Lucie Vítková, Jez Riley French, Noid, Peter Graham, Andrea Neumann, Ferran Fages, Slávek Kwi, Peter Cusack, Michal Kindernay, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Udo Noll