školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Jim Denley, Kim Myhr, Ingar Zach


Jim Denley, Kim Myhr, Ingar Zach

3x sólo
Tue 13.10. - 19:30

Premiérové vystoupení jedné z klíčových postav australské scény volné improvizace a experimentální hudby Jima Denleyho doplní dvě sóla respektovaných norských hráčů Kima Myhra a Ingara Zacha. Dohromady tvoří trio Mural s kterým u příležitosti evropského turné zavítají i do Čech, nicméně pro galerii Školská 28 připravili speciální program, který bude kromobyčejnou lahůdkou pro každého milovníka improvizované hudby.

Jim Denley (narozený roku 1957 v Bulli v Austrálii) vždy kladl důraz na spontaneitu, spolupráci a site-specific přístup. Nevidí rozdíl mezi rolemi instrumentalisty, improvizátora a skladatele. Za CD Through Fire, Crevice and the Hidden Valley, které bylo nahráno v pohoří Budawang, získal čestné uznání Prix Ars Electronica 2008. Na konci osmdesátých let spoluzakládal elektroakustickou kapelu Machine for Making Sense. Hrál s Derek Bailey’s Company v Londýně (1990), zcestoval Austrálii, Evropu, Jižní i Severní Ameriku, Libanon a Japonsko s umělci jako Maggie Nichols, Carolyn Connors, Kari Rønnekleiv, Sidsel Endresen, Satsuki Odamura, Thembi Soddell, Natasha Anderson, Monika Brooks, Clare Cooper, Ami Yoshida, Amanda Stewart, Ikue Mori, Satchiko M, Rosalind Hall, Laura Altman a Annette Krebs. Hraje v triu MURAL (s Kimem Myhrem a Ingarem Zachem), jež letos vydalo již druhé album z Rothkovy kaple v Houstonu – záznam čtyřhodinového koncertu, který vyšel na třech discích pod názvem Tempo na labelu Sofa. Dalším stálým uskupením je BLIP s Mikem Majkowskim. Vášní Jima Denleyho je West Head Project – venkovní performance v australské krajině.

Kim Myhr (narozený roku 1981) se aktivně podílí na norské hudební scéně jako skladatel a kytarista, ale také hodně cestuje po celém světě. Minulý rok vydal sólovou nahrávku All your limbs singing. Jeho hudba zkoumá možnosti hraní na dvanáctistrannou kytaru a připomíná jednak rané skladby Mortona Feldmana a Ligetiho, jednak syrovou energii a jednoduchost amerického folku. Jako skladatel působí například ve spolupráci s Trondheim Jazz Orchestra (kde hrají mimo jiné Sidsel Endresen, Christian Wallumrød, Jim Denley), pro nějž napsal úspěšnou skladbu Stems and cages. Další skladba, In the end his voice will be the sound of paper, vznikla v roce 2012 pro festival Ultima a chystá se její vydání na labelu Hubro (se zpěvem Jenny Hval). Myhr spolupracuje s tanečníky, často s italským choreografem Francescem Scavettou a nově také s tanečnicí Orfee Schuijt. Kim Myhr hraje s Jimem Denleym a Ingarem Zachem v triu MURAL, které funguje od roku 2007 a vydalo mimo jiné CD Live at the Rothko Chapel (2010), dokumentující koncert v Rothkově kapli v Houstonu.

Ingar Zach (narozený roku 1971 v Oslo) patří mezi nejvýznamnější norské improvizátory. Na perkuse hraje velmi dynamicky s notnou dávkou energie, přičemž z bicí soupravy získává širokou škálu zvuků. Nyní žije v Madridu a soustředí se na sólové hraní a dlouhodobé soubory, s nimiž objíždí štace po celém světě. Patří mezi ně trio Huntsville (spoluhráči Tonny Kluften & Ivar Grydeland), Laboratory Field (David Stackenäs), No Spaghetti Edition, MUTA (Rhodri Davies a Alessandra Rombolá), LOOPER (Nikos Veliotis, Martin Küchen a John Tilbury jako host), Jon Balke's Magnetic North Orchestra, Flore De Cataclysmo (s Michelem Donedou a Giuseppem Ielasim) a Dans les Arbres. S Ivarem Grydelandem spoluzaložil v roce 2000 norský label SOFA a v roce 2005 SILLÓN.

Entry Fee: 120 Kč – Reduced: 100 Kč

Jim Denley, Kim Myhr, Ingar Zach


Jim Denley, Kim Myhr, Ingar Zach

3x solo
Tue 13.10. - 19:30

Jim Denley - wind instruments born Bulli, Australia 22/1/57
An emphasis on spontaneity, site-specific work and collaboration has been central to his work. He sees no clear distinctions between his roles as instrumentalist, improviser and composer.
Collaborations, his radio feature for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation won the Prix Italia in 1989. His Cd Through Fire, Crevice and the Hidden Valley, recorded in the Budawang Mountains, received an Honorary mention in the Digital Musics category of the Prix Ars Electronica 2008.
In the late 1980's he co-founded with the electro-acoustic text/music group Machine for Making Sense. In 1990 he was a member of Derek Bailey’s Company for a week of concerts in London.
In 2006 and 2007 he received a Fellowship from the Australia Council for the Arts to research and develop his concept of Meta instrument.
He has played throughout Australia, Europe, South America, Lebanon, Japan and the US with artists such as Maggie Nichols, Carolyn Connors, Kari Rønnekleiv, Sidsel Endresen, Satsuki Odamura, Thembi Soddell, Natasha Anderson, Monika Brooks, Clare Cooper, Ami Yoshida, Amanda Stewart, Ikue Mori, Satchiko M, Rosalind Hall, Laura Altman and Annette Krebs.
With MURAL, (Kim Myhr and Ingar Zach) he played in March 2010 the Rothko Chapel in Houston – a CD of that concert was released in 2011. In April 2013 they performed a 4 hr concert there, which as Tempo, was released as a 3 CD on Sofa, this September.
With BLIP, (Mike Majkowski) he released 'Dead Space' on Boccian Records in 2012.
His passion is West Head Project – performances outdoors in Australia.

Kim Myhr (born 1981) is an active voice of the creative music scene in Norway, both as a composer and as a guitarist, with frequent performances throughout Europe, Australia, Asia and North- as well as South-America.
Myhr's released a solo 12-string guitar record called 'All your limbs singing" in March 2014. His solo music explores the acoustic possibilities of the 12-string guitar, and can remind the listener of early music of Ligeti and of Morton Feldman, but it also contains an energy and simplicity similar to american folk music.
As a composer, Myhr has written "Stems and cages" for the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra in 2009, a large ensemble including Sidsel Endresen, Christian Wallumrød, Jim Denley among others. The music was released on the CD in 2010, and recieved wide critical acclaim. Kim wrote another piece for the orchestra for the 2012 Ultima festival called "In the end his voice will be the sound of paper", this time featuring the voice of Jenny Hval. The music will be released early 2016 on the Norwegian label Hubro. Myhr works frequently with dance, notably writing music for productions by Italian choreographer Francesco Scavetta, and since 2014 a new collaboration with dancer Orfee Schuijt.
Kim is one third of MURAL, a trio with australian wind player Jim Denley and percussionist Ingar Zach. They have worked together since 2007, and have released two CDs; the last one "Live at the Rothko Chapel", is a documentation of a continuing relationship with the Rothko Chapel in Houston. In april 2013, MURAL played a four hour long concert there, which was released September as a 3CD-box set.

Ingar Zach
Ingar Zach, born in Oslo, June 29th 1971, is one of the leading percussionists/improvisers from Norway. He is known for the wide range of sounds in his drum kit and he uses his percussion in a very dynamic but still energetic way. Now living in Madrid, he concentrates on his solo work and his regular ensembles.
He has been dedicated to experimental music and folk music for the last five years and he is now touring and recording with his regular ensembles but in Europe, Canada, USA, South America and Asia.
He founded the Norwegian label for improvised music, SOFA, together with guitar player, Ivar Grydeland in May 2000 and the SILLÓN label in 2005.
Current working ensembles:
- Huntsville with Tonny Kluften & Ivar Grydeland
- Laboratory Field with David Stackenäs
- No Spaghetti Edition(N), an improvising ensemble consisting of Norwegian and international improvisers
- MUTA with Rhodri Davies (UK) and Alessandra Rombolá (ITA)
- LOOPER with Nikos Veliotis (GRE), Martin Küchen (SWE) and with guest John Tilbury (UK)
- Jon Balke's Magnetic North Orchestra
- Flore De Cataclysmo with Michel Doneda (FRA) and Giuseppe Ielasi (ITA).
- Dans les arbres

Entry Fee: 120 Kč – Reduced: 100 Kč