školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Miroslav Tóth

Resident Artist

Miro Tóth is composer, performer, saxophonist. He specializes in musical part of audiovisual work /video clip, film music, videoart ../, musical composition, history of music from 20.century to contemporary music - including jazz, experimental music or metal, hardcore, punk, noise music etc./

He develops concert activity in Slovakia and abroad, he organizes music workshops. He realized project Frutti di mare. He is a founder and artistic leader of improvizational symfony orchestra Musica falsa et ficta. Recently he realizes his first CD record with the group Dunkel Therapy, he is the author of the compositions in cooperation with the composer Martin Burlas. He performs in experimental music projects : Shibuya Motors a Q30J666222. He plays with Slavomír Krekovič (Shibuya Motors), Daniel Kordík (Urbsoubnds), Andrej Gál (Shibuya Motors), Michal Paľko (Trio pre interpretáciu súčasnej hudby), Ján Oriško (Dunkel Therapy), Peter Čaputa (Dunkel Therapy), Martin Burlas (Dunkel Therapy), Marek Piaček (Musica falsa et ficta) a mnozí jiní.

In 2010 he cooperated with directors: Eva Krížková, Ivan Ostrochovský (Masahiko) a Róbert Kirchhoff.

He also works like an editor and manager in Hudebné centrum in Bratislava.

Miro Tóth is supported by Visegrad Artist Residency Program. visegradfund.org/residencies/varp

Miroslav Tóth




sound art, music