školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Mario van Horrik

Petra Dubach and Mario van Horrik are soundartists. They live and work in Eindhoven,
Netherlands. Their work includes concerts, installations, performances, works in progress, media translations, video’s and objects. The main focus of their work is the combination of movement and sound. In their opinion both media are similar: if there is no movement, there is no sound. Petra and Mario make unique, uncomparable works with the simplest possible means: copper plates, aluminium bars, string, fans, water, air, paper, etc.

They have presented their work worldwide: Soundinstallations amongst others in: Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Art in General, New York; Synagogue od Palmovka, Prague; Cinema Rex, Belgrade; Galerie Artetage, Vladivostok; Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston; Amber festival, Istanbul.
Concerts amongst others in: Experimental Intermedia, New York; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Interzone Festival, Novi Sad; Ringring festval, Belgrade; BOA, Lucerne;
LOGOS, Ghent; Festival Experimental Music, Munich; Audio Art Festival, Krakow.
Performances: Castle of Imagination, Usztka, Poland; PAF, Cleveland; Cuba Culture,
Muenster; Interaczje, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland; Spritzenhaus, Hamburg.
Petra and Mario form part of the multi-media group Antarctica, together with architect and lightartist Tom Veeger and media-artist Mark Dijkstra.

Also they are closely related to Paul and Helene Panhuijsen and the former Apollohuis.
Mario is a member of The Maciunas Ensemble, the experimental music group with Paul Panhuijsen, Jan van Riet and Leon van Noorden.

Petra and Mario released 2 audio-cd’s: The Adventures of Toon Scales in 2002,
originally by Bake Records, but sold out for quite some time; and Live in Prague, 2004.

Mario van Horrik




sound art