Petra Dubach/Mario van Horrik: Concert for Acoustic Guitar and Long Strings


"Our work is concerned with the relationship between the elements of "sound," "Movement," and "image"; all in the widest meaning of the word. We are well aware of the fact that one element cannot exist without the others. This awareness is the basic interest from which our words emerge; and the works leads us towards new and always changing relationships between the elements' "image," "movement,“ and "sound;" all in the widest meaning of the words."

Petra Dubach/Mario van Horik, 1993, Plasy

Mario van Horrik's starting point was the notion that movement and sound are essentially the same: If there is no movement (vibration), nothing can be heard; if there is no sound, nothing moves.
Over the years, the boundaries between movement and sound, in collaboration with Petra Dubach, became more and more blurred while they worked out their root idea in every thinkable form, ranging from installations and site-specific works to performances and concerts. In 2010, they started their ongoing research project Waves which involves producing movement feedback using shakers, a kind of loudspeakers that reproduce sound frequencies as vibrations, attached to long strings. Over the years, they have made numerous installations and concerts based upon this concept and have experimented with all sorts of objects incorporated into the basic Waves setup, including Chinese lanterns, hooks, loose strings, etc.

Petra Dubach and Mario van Horrik are sound artists. They live and work in Eindhoven. Their work includes concerts, installations, performances, works in progress, media translations, videos and objects. They have presented their work worldwide, and their sound installations amongst others in: Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Art in General, New York; Synagogue Palmovka, Prague; Cinema Rex, Belgrade; Galerie Artetage, Vladivostok; Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston; Amber Festival, Istanbul.
They held concerts amongst others in: Experimental Intermedia, New York; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Interzone Festival, Novi Sad; Ringring festival, Belgrade; BOA, Lucerne; LOGOS, Ghent; Festival Experimental Music, Munich; Audio Art Festival, Krakow.

Performances: Castle of Imagination, Usztka, Poland; PAF, Cleveland; Cuba Culture, Muenster; Interaczje, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland; Spritzenhaus, Hamburg.