Kim Zieschang: USUS

Scenario, Performance
Residencies 1998
Center for Metamedia Plasy

Kim Zieschang (1961) is a german visual and performance artist. She creates spaces, which are not to be used functionally, but still to a large extent fulfil anthropocentric criteria and show basic architectural structures. She understands sculptural work as an ongoing process of mental development and formal expression. For the artist as for the recipient sculpture becomes a form of action aiming at permanent changes and shifts. The tension between outer view and inner perception, objective condition and subjective feeling, logical analyses and intuitive understanding, leads the recipient to a new understanding about himself and the reality by which he is formed and the reality which he changes by his actions. (Dr. Christoph Kivelitz)

1996 - 1998 Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
1990 - 1996 Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
1988 - 1989Sorbonne, Paris IV Parijs Literature