školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Performance Screenlab

Jiří Suchánek

Noise Calypsos
Fri 24.2. - 20:30

Školská's ScreenLab presents two live synesthetic works including collaboration of visual artist Michal Kindernay with sound programmer Guy van Belle and latest audiovisual solo work by Jiří Suchánek.

Jiri Suchanek (1979, Brno, Czech republic). In 1991 started composing computer music in the early music softwares. From 1995 slowly building own sound studio. 1999-2005 studied atelier video (Keiko Sei, Peter Ronai) at Faculty of Fine art, VUT Brno. During study exlplores relationship between sound and image in the context of time( and later space also). Few works are dedicated to developing own music MIDI interface. 1999-2005 is experimenting with live Vjing on many public sessions. At 2005 due to the diploma work on theme „The sound installations in the gardens“ meets the group Timet at Firenze, Italy on workshop about sound gardens. In 2005 establish audiovisual performance duo Materidouska with his girlfriend Tereza Damcova. www.materidouska.muteme.cz Materidouska is combination of digital music, animated hand drawing, costumes and singing in surreal childhood mood. With this project concerts in the whole Czech republic and also in east abroad (Minsk, Kiev, Bucharest...) next many artists ( AGF, Fennesz, Philip Jeck etc.). The first album of Materidouska was released on label Muteme and is free to download. (www.muteme.cz) The focus of the creative works is on relation between touch - sound - space - light. The central idea and aim is to build interactive sensitive spaces where strange inter-connections are possible (and sometimes understable...) . In 2008 finished Sonic garden that was the first real permanent sound installation. Experience of 10channel garden sound and developing touch interface leads into the new project. In 2008/2009 builds recent the biggest installation in the cave dome. www.sonicave.com For this project is developed own light-sound synced systém for 10.1surround sound and 480 LED lights in MAX/Msp and Atmega168 microprocessors. Recent research is dedicated to developing live performance tool-robot that connects sound and light into one entity and might be easily transportable. Now works as a assistant of the cabinet audio in Faculty of Fine arts, University of Technology, Brno.

Noise Calypso Školská
by The Society Of Algorithm

Calypso music originated in the West Indies. The first recording of a Calypso song was in 1912 by Lovey's Orchestra. Originally, the slaves of Trinadad and Tobago were not allowed to talk during work, but they could sing. The Lyrics were used in the music to deliver teases or commentaries of social issues (aka Gossip) or political figures of the day (called Picong) to converse while working. After World War 2, under the occupation of the USA, the music once again changed under the influence of a new dance culture and the addition of steel bands, Calypso singers became notorious, on the island but also in international cultural context. Remember the heroic names since the 1950s: Houdini, Atilla the Hun, Roaring Lion, Lord Superior, Lord Kitchener, Bomber, and Young Killer. The Society of Algorithm's favorite may be Mighty Sparrow with his sharp and ironical social, political, and US-racist critique. For a short history of Calypso: http://cct300-f07.wikispaces.com/Calypso+Music. Society of Algorithm will try to match the vividness of Calypso with live synthesis, just based on noise. You are not allowed to talk, but you can sing, and clap hands during the performing of the work. Let's have Rice and Beans for dinner!!!

gívan belá

Entry Fee: 80 Kč – Reduced: 60 Kč