A 24-hour broadcast of the dawn chorus of birdsong around the world from 5 AM London time (UTC 0+1) Saturday, 2 May to 6 AM Sunday, 3 May 2020.
Together with the artist collective Soundcamp, from Rotherhithe UK, we invite one and all to tune into the global radio program REVEIL, a 24-hour broadcast devoted to the sounds of nature and soundscapes of the dawn chorus of birdsong from around the world.
You can listen to the brodcast of 2-3 May 2020 by following this link: [http://soundtent.org/soundcamp_listen.html ][1]
Streamer: Tomáš Šenkyřík Rusava, Moravia, Czech Republic http://streams.soundtent.org/2020/streams/utc2_bystrice-pod-hostynem
Iva Polanecka, Martin Marek Summer Hillside, Rokytnice nad Jizerou, CZ URL: http://streams.soundtent.org/2020/streams/utc2_rokytnice-nad-jizerou
Sarka Zahalkova Polom u Trhové Kamenice (Iron Hills), Czech Republic http://locus.creacast.com:9001/mobile_polom.ogg
Michal Kindernay, Skryje, Central Bohemia http://locus.creacast.com:9001/skryje_radio_skryje.mp3
Zuzana Pištěková, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Stanislav Abrahám a další Branišov na Vrchovině Url http:///locus.creacast.com:9001/mobile_branisov.ogg
Guy van Belle Kravín, Maleč, Zelezné hory http://streams.soundtent.org/2020/streams/utc2_chotebor
Natural sounds in the least sound-polluted locations possible, across various time zones, are recorded and streamed on the internet over 24 hours. Listeners can hear the adancing change from night to day, light and shadow, during times of day when birds, amphibians and insects are often heard best. This event has been organized by the British community art organization Soundcamp since 2014.
Live audio is sent to the Locusonus web server via smartphones, microphones connected to computers, as well as professional broadcasting technology, and made available over the internet to be heard anywhere by anyone.
Every year dozens of ornithologists, laymen, community radio aficionados and experts from research institutes of science participate in the event. Together they observe, record and study the planetary soundscape at the break of day as it progresses around the world. In addition to the radio project, Reveil also runs an information network of interconnected and independent community micro-festivals — “listening camps,” during which hundreds of listeners of “natural radio” gather in different countries to experience the International Day of Listening to the Sounds of Dawn on the night of 2–3 May, bivouacing in tents in city parks, groves, forests, meadows, and nature reserves.
The Reveil SoundCamp aims to draw attention to the state of the environment and create a network of monitoring microphones that can inspire artists, environmental activists, and others, and also serve as civic monitoring to study the environmental changes the world has been undergoing in recent years.
In the Czech Republic, these projects will take part
Tomáš Šenkyřík, Vsetínské vrchy
Michal Kindernay, Skryje
Iva Polanecká / Martin Marek, Krkonoše Mountain
Off City, Polom, Źelezné hory
Branišov Ornitology Station, Vysočina
Kra http://streams.soundtent.org/2020/streams/utc2_chotebor
Easily set up a Streambox
Raspberry Pi Zero WH
IQAudio Codec Zero
a pair of Primo EM172 electret condenser mics
We also welcome your participation! If you want to create your own listening station, we will help.