The KUŠ Association for environmental and multicultural education has for a long time been working in the region of Vysočina, focused on alternative methods of education working outside of school institutions, and making use of contemporary art techniques, placing a strong emphasis on activism and the environment.
Their activities are closely connected to the space of a former forester’s cottage called Na Kuši, near Jihlava between Rohozná and Nový Rychnov, where they also regularly organize activities for children and youth. During their events (workshops, camps, etc.), the participants learn the rules of living alongside nature by means of alternative pedagogy, games, creative workshops and theatre events. The KUŠ association’s teachers introduce young people to contemporary artistic approaches – action painting, performance, happenings, and site-specific art. At the same time, they involve and spark the participants’ interest in their immediate surroundings and inspire them to civic activism by addressing particular cases – recently for example, they have been focusing on the issue of nuclear waste. The topics naturally come out of their local reality, and include socio-historical sources and mythologies (examples of their existing projects include 2014 Filmák Podzimák, 2015 HRAnaART, 2016 Šajeni, 2017 ArtBrutar, and 2018 ARCHA ARTU).
The association also works in tandem with the local charity Oblastní Charita Jihlava, and the Vranov u Brna children’s home. Their forest sanctuary invites and features diverse guests from the fields of culture, science, theatre and art.