Planetary Storytelling and the New Cosmology
Roundtable Discussion with Stephan Martin, Christine Hill and Jiří Zemánek
Architecture and the Senses
Report from Plasy Monastery, October, 2018
Video documentation of the seminar
Camera, editing, sound: Dominik Žižka
Zahájení výstavy sester Válových v NG s názvem Dvojjediná síla malby v roce 2000.  (zleva)  Jiří Ševčík, Jitka Válová, Marie Klimešová, Katarína Rusnáková, Marie Bergmanová a Jana Ševčíková.-valovy-doktorat-083d.jpg
Videos and Media
Válová Sisters Archive
interviews, documentation
Hans van Koolwijk: Bambuso Sonoro at Electric Works, Bubeneč-Hans van Koolwijk: Bambuso Sonoro at Electric Works, Bubeneč
Hans van Koolwijk: Bambuso Sonoro
video document of the performance
video: Dominik Žižka
Cultivators of Holiness
Pěstitelé svatosti
An Interview with Christine Abdelnour
vs. Interpretation 2016
Lê Quan Ninh at vs.Interpretation 2016-le-quan-iv-poster.jpg
An Interview with Lê Quan Ninh
vs. Interpretation 2016
Praed (Raed Yassin and Paed Conca)
An Interview with Praed
vs. Interpretation 2016
Hans van Koolwijk-hvk-poster_0.png
An Interview with Hans van Koolwijk
vs. Interpretation 2016
Sarah Washington - vs. Interpretation 2016
An Interview with Sarah Washington
vs. Interpretation 2016
Villém Flusser-flusser-video.jpg
Vilém Flusser
Kuřivody - JSD
Video and Audio
vs. Interpretation 2016-christof-kurzmann-2.png
vs. Interpretation 2016
On site Interviews
Improvisational Musicians and Composers Speak About Their Work
Christof Kurzmann
An Interview with Christof Kurzmann
vs. Interpretation 2016
Phil Minton
An Interview with Phil Minton
vs. Interpretation 2016
An Interview with Bob Ostertag
vs. Interpretation 2016
Mazen Kerbaj at the Old Wastewater Treatment Plant
An Interview with Mazen Kerbaj
vs. Interpretation 2016
vs. Interpretation documentary video
2016 vs. Interpretation Festival
Video Documentary
Play as you go
Play as you go
George Lewis / Pauline Oliveros / Joëlle Léandre
David Rothenberg
David Rothenberg
Festival Highlight from vs. Interpretation
Jaromír Typlt and Michal Rataj
Jaromír Typlt and Michal Rataj
Festival Highlight from vs. Interpretation
Iva Bittová
Iva Bittová
Festival Highlight from vs. Interpretation
Annie Gosfield, Roger Kleier
Annie Gosfield & Roger Kleier
Festival Highlight from vs. Interpretation