
Soundworms Ecology Gathering

22 — 24 September 2017
Mariánské Radčice, Czech Republic
Participants and preliminary program

The Soundworm Ecology Gathering is a three-day meeting of minds which will bring together persons involved in ecology, theory and acoustics to discuss and exchange ideas. The gathering will take place in Mariánské Radčice/Maria Ratschitz, an old village near Most, about 80 km from Prague from 22 to 24 September 2017. The town and its surroundings, which include a recently reconstructed Baroque church, are suffused with the ceaseless noise that emanates from the strange earthworks which lay just beyond the trees — the Bílina open pit lignite coal mines. For this gathering,  a number of project proposals have been selected. At the link, there is a preliminary program.

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The Peerless Brotherhood of the Holy Nurture

Universal Psychiatric Church and the Holy Scrap Units
Films, pictures, poodja
2 October 2017, 8 PM at Cinema Ponrepo

An evening program of supermedia presenting the activities of The Peerless Brotherhood of the Holy Nurture, Universal Psychiatric Church 316a, The Holy Scrap Unit, with several views on trash. Including:

An Autumn Visit to Upsych316a. Karel Kučera, 2011, 4 min.
Cultivators of Holiness. Adam Oľha, 2005, 27 min.
Upsych 316a. Václav Jirásek.
Between Place and Matter. Ondřej Telecký, 2014.
Holy Beetles. Miloš Lauerman, 2011, 20 min.
Scrap Holy Day 2017. Petr Jančárek, 10 min.
At Mr. Čapek’s. Bohuslav Vašulka, 1964, 6 min.
How to Live with Junk. Jindřich Procházka, 2000, 14 min.

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Futurist Week

22 – 30 November 2017
Invoking the memory of Italy’s noise engineers
Italian Cultural Institute, NG Trade Fair Palace

More than a century ago, Italy witnessed something that would forever change art and its forms of expression. In 1913, the Futurist painter Luigi Russolo published his manifesto L’arte dei Rumori (The Art of Noises), encompassing fundamental ideas for the new music of the modern age. The legacy of the Italian noise engineers will be invoked during Futurist Week from 22 to 30 November, during which Prague will host performances of historical and contemporary Futurist music by Luciano Chessa, among others, featuring special instruments: the intonarumori (noise intoners).

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Otevření galerie DIRA


Vysoká 26, Kokořínsko

Na webových stránkách Farmstudia nás vítá zmrtvýchvstalý Kristus, reprodukce od Mistra Třeboňského oltáře, s červenou lopatou, uprostřed rozlehlého statku, obklopeného historickými budovami. Jinak jsou stránky na informace docela skoupé. Dozvíme se, že projekt nezávislého kulturního centra Farmstudio založil a provozuje Pavel Matela a že v současné době zde probíhají rekonstrukce, které by měly vést k vytvoření centra pro tvůrčí pobyty s hudebním studiem, tanečním sálem a galerií. A že je zde neustálá poptávka po dobrovolnících.

(This article is available only in Czech.)

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Peter sinclair - Locus sonus presentation-Peter_sinclair-Locus_sonus_presentation.jpg

Peter Sinclair

Artist Residency

Peter Sinclair is a sound artist and researcher in audio art. He began his career as an artist building musical machines that he presented in exhibitions and on stage, either solo or in collaboration with other musicians. In the early 1990s he adopted computer programming as an artistic tool while maintaining a strong attachment to “physical” space in his projects. He quickly developed shared networking practices, notably with the New York artist G.H. Hovagimyan, with whom he collaborated for more than a decade and with other experimental groups such as DaisyChain and PacJap.

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